My boss decided to get off the web and get on TV. After working out deals with both NBC 4 and the CW here in Columbus, Wake Up America is moving to the air waves. Working on a full-blown half hour TV program is rough – especially with only a couple of people putting it together. The majority of my 7 person team still has to keep the Economy In Crisis website going. But getting a show out a week is doable and if anyone can do it, it’s the team I working with now. Continue reading
There are 7 posts filed in Design (this is page 1 of 2).
Into and Outro – EIC Video Podcat
Economy In Crisis needed a few new animations for their 30 minute podcast. The background is based on something I saw on Video Copilot, with my own tweaks to fill all the clients needs. If you’d like to know how to make the background I used for this, go to and check out their tutorials section. Continue reading
The Art of Design
I recently read an article about design. The idea in the article was, thanks to the internet, everyone is just using tutorials to re-create the same stuff over and over. The general idea was that design is dead, and artists are becoming cookie cutters. Continue reading
Sacred Garden
Inspiration can come from weekly chores. I created this image after an afternoon of gardening. Continue reading
Website building: Firefox vs. Safari
The first thing I learned about web design – don’t use IE to build your site. Build it to work in Firefox, then fix it for IE. This not only insures the site is coded per web standards, it also makes life easier. Continue reading