My boss decided to get off the web and get on TV. After working out deals with both NBC 4 and the CW here in Columbus, Wake Up America is moving to the air waves. Working on a full-blown half hour TV program is rough – especially with only a couple of people putting it together. The majority of my 7 person team still has to keep the Economy In Crisis website going. But getting a show out a week is doable and if anyone can do it, it’s the team I working with now. Continue reading
There are 6 posts filed in Animation (this is page 1 of 2).
Work Flow
Building an animated studio for a local TV show is much easier than it could be. I still have to worry about camera tracking, but I’ll deal with that when the time comes. Here’s a video of the process from Blender to After Effects. Continue reading
Into and Outro – EIC Video Podcat
Economy In Crisis needed a few new animations for their 30 minute podcast. The background is based on something I saw on Video Copilot, with my own tweaks to fill all the clients needs. If you’d like to know how to make the background I used for this, go to and check out their tutorials section. Continue reading
New Intro Video
After building a new website, I really wanted to make an animation for the homepage. I made a 3D animation in Blender with the name of my logo flying in, but it really didn’t do much alone. So, using After Effects, I added to it. Continue reading
Tax Nation
This is a short video I created for Economy In Crisis. They were looking for a way to promote a different tax system for the United States. Continue reading